Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help, you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional. For immediate assistance during a mental health emergency call 911 and/or Ventura County Crisis Team at 1-866-988-2243. Fillmore Unified School District is not responsible for the content of any external web sites that are linked to this page. This information is provided as a public service and does not constitute an affiliation or a recommendation of any organization, application, or video listed.
Pop-up food pantries for low-income families residing in the city of distribution.
Despensas de alimentos pop-up para familias de bajos ingresos que residen en la ciudad de distribución.
Information about public transportation.
Información sobre el transporte público.
Housing support and homeless prevention services.
Vivienda de emergencia y servicios de apoyo para personas sin hogar.
Mental health information and support.
Información y apoyo sobre salud mental.
Ventura County Emergency Information
Informacion de Emergencia del Condado de Ventura |
Farmworkers Resources of Ventura County
Servicios para Trabajadores Agricolas del Condado de Ventura |
Service and Resource Directory of Ventura County
Directorio de Servicios y Recursos en el Condado de Ventura |
Support for runaway and homeless youth.
Apoyo a jóvenes fugitivos y sin hogar.
Domestic Violence support services.
Servicios de apoyo de violencia doméstica.
Counseling Services.
Servicios de Consejería.
Counseling services.
Servicios de Consejería.
Utility bills, food and homeless support.
Apoyo para pagar facturas de servicios públicos, despensa de alimentos y apoyos para personas sin hogar.
Legal, social and educational support for migrant families.
Servicios legales, sociales y educacionales para familias migrantes.
Citizenship and immigration support services.
Servicios de apoyo para ciudadanía y inmigración.
Individual, couple and family counseling services as well as substance use supports.
Consejería individual, de pareja y de familia, así como apoyos de abuso de drogas.
Informational Websites for Parents/Sitios Informativos Para Padres